
Showing posts from August, 2022

Make Your Own Bath Oils 🌿

There are a few things as indulgent as taking a long, soaking bath. And when you add essential oils, with their relaxing scents and medicinal benefits, your bath becomes a therapeutic experience as well. By using essential oils and other botanicals in your bath, you can transform a humdrum soak into a truly relaxing respite from stress, aggravation, and your daily worries. As heated water carries the calming and reviving sent through the air, you will feel the outer world recede, allowing you to focus on you. 

Oatmeal Beauty Mask 🌿

This Rich formula will give you flawless skin!  In a dish, combine 1/4 cups of warm spring water with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, then gradually stir in 2 tablespoons of raw whole oats. Mix into a paste, apply to face and neck, and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Calming Oatmeal Cures 🌿

Oatmeal is so naturally soothing to the skin that it is often added to anti-itch lotions, cleansers, and shampoos. When coarsely ground, it can act as an exfoliants. Use only whole raw oats, not instant oatmeal, in skin-care recipes.

Honey Citrus Mask 🌿

This preparation combines the antioxidant and antibacterial power of honey with the exfoliating and acne fighting properties of the citric acid found in lemons. You want to combine 2 teaspoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Massage the mixture between your fingers until it warms up, then apply a thin layer to your face and neck. Let the mask dry for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water 💦…

Healing Honey Treatments 🌿

Sweet Soak: Cleopatra‘s favorite beauty secret will leave your body baby soft. Combine 1/4 cup honey with 2 cups milk and add a few drops of essential oil. Stir and add to your bathwater. A little baking soda will also help soften skin.

Healing Honey Treatments 🌿

Because honey has a virtually limitless shelf life, it’s something many of us keep around the house, sometimes for years. So take that old jar of honey from the pantry and repurposed it as your skin’s new best friend. It soothes, smoothes, diminishes scars, and even reduce the signs of aging!

Facial Moisturizers 🌿

Did you know? The point of moisturizing is not just to relieve dry skin. Hydrating the skin properly with natural ingredients also provides key nutrients to enhance the skin and leave it more elastic and resilient!