Cilantro/Coriander: A Culinary Herb 🌿

 The cilantro plant provides the herb’s stems and leaves, plus the seeds that are known as the spice coriander. Both are essential to Mexican, Indian, and Asian cooking. The saponins contained in the plant can sometimes smell soapy, cilantro originated in southern Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern Asia. It is a medium-sized herb with feathery leaves and small white or pale pink flowers. The Greeks and Romans used it medicinally, and early Britons combined it with cumin and vinegar to preserve meat. It has antiseptic properties for treating mouth ulcers and antioxidants for preventing eye diseases. The seeds exceed antibiotics by combating Salmonella-base ailments. The plant also inhibits gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and contains dietary fibers, calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron, and manganese.


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