Ginger: A Culinary Herb 🌿

 Referred to as a “gifts of the gods” By some early cultures, ginger (Zingiber officials) served culinary, medicinal, and spiritual needs. It is a reed-like perennial with pinkish buds that mature to exotic yellow flowers. Ginger originated in southeast Asia and soon naturalized in China, India, and the Middle East; as far back as 3000 BC it has been used to ease indigestion. Early healers used it to treat colds, flu, toothache, joint pain, and as protection against the plague. Modern medicine hailed its stomach calming qualities and it’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It could be purchased fresh, dried, crushed, and powdered. A piece of ginger worn in an amulet is said to protect the health of the wearer!


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