Tarragon: A Culinary Herb 🌿

 A favorite of French chefs and home cooks for its bittersweet anise-like flavor, tarragon (Artemesia dracunculus) originated in Siberia and west Asia. The shrub can reach four feet in height and display lanceolate glossy leaves, narrow woody stems, and tiny yellowish blossoms. Natural healers valued this herb for stimulating appetite and easing indigestion, flatulence, and anorexia. It was also drunk as a tea to cure insomnia. Modern research has revealed the herb’s true strength: tarragon is a powerhouse antioxidant, ridding the body of free radicals that damage RNA, DNA, and cell walls, and cause premature aging. It further support heart health, can lower bad cholesterol, and reduce tooth pain. It is also rich invaluable phytonutrients.


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